The most readily available information on the white-tail deer ever compiled and placed at the hunter's and landowner's finger tips in a 3½″ × 6″ pocket-sized format. * Quick reference of valuable information on managing land for deer, managing native species of plants for deer, deer harvest information, butchering tips, hunting lease management information, deer facts, firearms data, hunting safety, where-to-get more information, and much, much more. * Specifically written for deer hunters, wildlife managers, landowners, hunting clubs. * Designed to go into the field with the hunter or landowner. Whether it's the ballistics of your favorite deer rifle, how to score a trophy buck, write a hunting lease, fertilize a white oak, or determine the weight of a deer without a scale, it's all inside this handy little book. Here are just a few of the topics covered in this one-of-a-kind book: * Deer Profile including sub-species list * Deer management strategies * Identifying deer tracks * Harvesting your deer including how to measure antlers, pull a jaw for aging, field dressing, butcher cuts, and score sheets * Managing food Plots including planting, soil testing, recipes for custom seed mixes, and more * How to fertilize mast trees, restore old apple trees, prescribed burns, and tree stands * Land lease management including how to take measurements, write a land lease and topographical map symbols * Ballistics charts from Remington, Winchester, and Federal * Firearms, tree stand, wind and hypothermia safety and how to handle * Contact information for scoring organizations, insurance, seed suppliers * And much, much more! It’s all here in this amazing pocket reference!